
One Day Alone

Produced as part of the "29 second project" - this music video was created by seven different directors spanning the world from New Zealand to Brazil, to the USA, England and Canada.

Each director was given a key word to begin and end their 29-seconds of film in which they otherwise had complete creative control.

No director was aware of any other's creations and the song itself was only supplied as an instrumental version so as to avoid any direct narrative accounts.

CONTRIBUTING DIRECTORS - in order of appearance, keywords provided:

Daniel Daigle - "Glasses" & "Breakfast"

Abraham Pineda-Fischer - "Breakfast" & "Wine"

Edward Housden - "Wine" & "Dog"

Michael Humphrey - "Dog & "Book"

Lourenco Barsi-Gomes - "Book" & "Guitar"

Ian Gamester - "Guitar" & "Glasses"

Produced and compiled by: Michael Humphrey


Run, Run

